Reflection- Letter 47
Here, Celie first reveals out loud what had happened to her in the first chapters of the book between her and Pa. She describes it in greater detail than the first page had, considering she was older and understood what happened better. Celie also made love with Shug that same night. This leads readers to believe that Shug may have taken advantage of Celie for her own personal gain. However, readers may also consider that Celie and Shug were caught in a moment of passion and emotion. Either way this event is explained, it is very apparent that Shug and Celie now share a sexual relationship.

Weekend Journal:
Today felt nice and free. I usually don't have my weekends free, but today I was off from work. My church van picked me up and I was able to come to church and see all my friends there as well. In addition I sung with the choir and although I know I shouldn't, I laughed a bit at how rusty they sounded. I also found it funny that I didn't know the songs, but I did manage to muscle my way through each and every song. Even our piano player didn't know the songs! After this I went home and watched a good movie with Demarcus, and I ate good! Today was a good day of leisure for me!


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