Reflection 4- Letter 10

In this letter, Celie he's absolutely sure that she sees one of her children. She follows their mother and has a nice conversation with her. This is one of the first times that we see her genuinely happy and enjoying herself. Celie asks subtle questions about the child, hinting that she was really her birth mother, joyful knowing that her child was not dead. However, all of her fun and games are cut short when Mr. ____ comes back outside from the store and asks Celie why she was "laughing like a fool." This is the first solid hint that Mr. _____ mistreated Celie just as Fonso had. He only saw Celie as nothing more than a servant to him.

Journal Entry #4:

Today, I practiced my solo with Mr. Frye today and my classmates cheered me on.  It made me feel good for a little while, but I still think I have so much more to improve on. I'm really putting the effort and emotion into this song as much as it requires from me. Whenever I have down time, I'll look up different performances of the solo. Some of them I absolutely love while others I don't care much for. Some performances crossed the line between emotion and plain old yelling. I hope that I can try my best to deliver as perfectly as possible. I took what I liked best from each performance and meshed it into my own performance. I'm even going to make my costume! I'm excited to see how this all turns out for me.


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