Kamryn Barnes
Mr. Rease
AP Eng 11
25 January 2018

Dear Reader,

I am saddened to hear about your friend's situation and offer my condolences in advance. I can not imagine how it must feel to know that unavoidable death is imminent. I can also see the difficulty to teach the unwilling to be taught. Also, if it is dignity you are teaching for the sake of, I urge you to keep persisting. Knowledge is a gift given that no man, white or black, can take away and leaving this earth with even a shred of knowledge is a great privilege and honor to have. While keeping your aunt's friend in mind is very important, it is imperative that this young man see the opportunity he has been handed for what it is. Keep pressing forward so that he learn not only the value of learning and knowledge, but also what it means to truly be a man. I also see how this may be a heavy burden on your shoulders, teacher, but you should carry pride in your task. From one colored man to another, being seen as an intelligent and whole being worthy of teaching another the ways of manhood is a great honor to behold. We are not seen for the sum of our parts much, but you must understand that you are capable of teaching this individual, and also much more, no matter what anyone else may say. Although progress may not be quick like a bullet, nor will it be calm and easygoing, education and more importantly manhood is something that is worth the fight.


Kamryn Barnes


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