
Showing posts from August, 2017
   The first two weeks of my junior year have been both busy and productive! In the first week, I easily found my homeroom and also helped my little sister find hers as well. With her being a freshman this year, I had worries dealing with her fitting in. To my relief she seamlessly blended in and even found a couple of friends. When the instructional day began, I was met with many demanding AP classes that motivated me to pass with all A's. I also noticed that my friends were in a number of my classes including my lunch wave. I found this especially pleasing, knowing that I can easily partner up with a study partner when most necessary. In addition to in-school activities, I also managed to schedule out my study time despite having band practice on a daily basis. This is a very productive step in the right direction seeing that in order to pass AP classes I must obtain a high level of responsibility and self-sufficiency. My first two weeks were a great start to an even greater yea
Hello! I'm Kamryn Barnes and I'm currently a junior at B.C. Rain High School. I tend to usually be found reading a book or hanging out with my friends. I also spend my time with JROTC, band, and also choir! Whenever I'm not working hard in school, I devote my time to helping teach sunday school classes at my church and watching after my three younger siblings. I look forward to having a bright school year and I do wish the best to my fellow classmates the best as well!